
Friday, 27 February 2015

Scratch 2

Today on scratch we learnt how to make your person move and we also played cool music on iTunes, we had fun with Mr. Roberts who was teaching us.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

A mother's story

Read page 22 of The Great Brain Robbery

Who is the mother? The lady who is talking on the book.

Who is the daughter? Emily Vanessa Brown

What was the final straw? The final straw was when the mum told Emily that she had a last chance and that was it.

‘I found being frightened was a normal everyday feeling’ Who said this and what does it mean? The mum said it, she meant that the found out that being frightened of Emily was normal.

The subtitle waste of a life - What does this mean? It means Emily’s life was a waste because of drugs and alcohol

Who did the mother ask for help? The police, the social welfare and the church people.

How did they help? They only helped a little by telling Emily’s mum to go to a ministry.

Write a short summary of the story in your own words. Make sure you include all the important parts of the story
Critical thinking
What are the social issues in this story? Emily has a problem of running away from her family and she takes drugs and alcohol, and the police did nothing about Emily.

How can you relate to this story? I don’t have a relation to this story.

How can we help people in these situations? We can teach them about God.

What does the word victim mean? The word victim means the good person who is innocent.

If you knew Emily how would you have helped her? I could have help her by teaching her about God or else just take to jail.
Critical thinking
Who did Emily’s parents turn to for help? The police and the social worker.
Analyse the help they were given and find out some other ways or people they could have contacted for help.
Create a timeline outlining Emily’s life. Do some research online and gather some more information about Emily’s situation.

Friday, 13 February 2015

Number of Siblings in Room 10

My Autobiography

The Child that hardly sleeps

The child that hardly gets any sleep just plays all day she can't sleep because something is wrong with her. When ever she tries to sleep she keeps on waking up and stays up all night. When her parents try to get here to sleep

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Myth Legend

Once upon a time, there was a dragon that lived in China. One day he went to a castle and saw a lady dragon and a man dragon and he wanted to marry the lady dragon.

He went to the lady dragon and asked her if he can marry her and she said no. Then the second time he came with yummy food and then he asked and she said yes.

Then when the man dragon came he saw them going away and he started to cry and the he got angry and tried to kill the other dragon

The end.

The theme of my story is to be not jealous and steal someones lady.