
Friday, 8 August 2014

Max Steel

Once upon a time,there was an 18 year old Max Steel named Max Mcgrath. One day as Max was walking home he saw a couple of bullies bullying a guy named Chad so when he saw those bullies he decided to fight them so when they saw that Max got Chad’s bag-pack the bullies chased Max but Max didn’t know what was happening to him when ever he ran he would run very fast like a lightning bolt and when ever he would jump,he would jump higher even higher than the sky-tower so when he crashed into a room he noticed something very odd, his hands were blue,fire blue so when he fell off the roof he was flying and then he realised that he had superpowers because of his dad who was Max Steel so when his dad Max died he said to Max's uncle to pass Max an Ultra-link called Steel to Max so that was how Max becaome Max Steel. The End



Max Steel said...

Hey Sam I think the story about me is cool did you know that I am real

Anonymous said...

Thx mate

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